Basic 5 Steps Skin Care Routine

In my teenage, if you would ask me, "Soma what you do for your skincare?" My answer would have been "Nothing!". And literally, I did nothing. I had such sensitive skin, that doing nothing is best than prepping my skin with some skin care products. But now my idea about skin care has changed a lot. With age, my skin began to lose its natural glow, making me more concern about it. And I think it is high time that I too follow a basis skin care routine. When it comes to basic Skin Care Routine, people generally go for 5 simple Steps. And I am going to discuss them with you today. Cleansing- The first and foremost is cleansing. Staying…

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Organizing Make Up/Skin Care

Admit it Ladies! There are times we randomly buy cosmetics, later to find out that it is not suited for our skin, then kept in shelf for days untouched, waiting to throw away after its expiry. Well, at least, I, myself is guilty of doing that. So the most important thing to do foremost, while organizing our make up/skin care is to purge out what is not used now. Purge out- While organizing my make up/skin care arsenal, I do a quick scan of each of my beauty products. First, I separate those that I don't use for at least 6 months. If I don't use it for the last 6 months, I won't use it any more. Then I look…

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Understanding the bare minimum

We live in a world where we get what we want in abundance (which could be bought, of course). I still remember the joy & thrill of getting a small chocolate once in a while, but today’s children get monthly packets of toffees, so to enjoy all along.The theory of abundance engulfed our whole generation, that we fail to understand what scarcity means in reality. Now the whole World has gone down with Corona Virus crisis. The World, literally is locked down in homes, where we could watch and read through media, the havoc the virus is spreading all around. After hitting thousands and thousands of Lives in China, Italy, UK, Iran, the disease has now come in front of our…

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Slow Living in times of Lock Down

My flat is close to a busy road. The annoying sound of vehicles is a continuous disturbance in my house. Suddenly it all changed. The noise that bothered me so much has stopped completely. The effect of Corona virus has also engulfed our locality, as it has done to the whole world. Thankfully, I have came across recently, a new concept-the concept of Slow Living. Slow Living in the backdrop of Corona Virus Lock Down has found a new chapter altogether. Due to this Lock Down our daily moving has been shifted from miles to the square fits of our homes.For People, like me, who stays outside for 12 to 13 hours in a day, it is very difficult to adjust…

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What is Slow Living?

Now a day's a lot of emphasis has been made about Slow Living and its concept. People are publishing blogs, videos and articles regarding Slow Living. I read about the concept and found it quite interesting. After dive into the realm of Slow Living blogs, articles, videos etc, I began to understand the very essence of this concept. What is Slow Living? "Slow Living is a lifestyle emphasizing slower approaches to aspect of everyday life."  Wikipedia. " Slow Living is a lifestyle choice."Wikipedia. "People everyday are constantly living at a fast pace which is making them feel that their lives are chaotic- but with Slow Living they end up taking a step back and start enjoying life being conscious of sensory…

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Top 5 Indian Spices that reduce weight

When it comes to food, the world knows India by its rich varieties of Species. No doubt our simplest recipes are not complete with one or two ingredients from the Spice family. The rich aroma and flavor in taste that these Species gives, makes our simple curry mouth watering and delicious. But these Spices not only add flavor or taste, but hold key ingredients beneficial for our health and fitness. Here I bring to you the Top 5 Indian Spices to lose Weight. Turmeric- Turmeric is known to us for its flavor and vibrant color. But in our Ayurveda, turmeric holds an important place for its medicinal properties. Most of its health benefits are due to the presence of curcumin, a…

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The Top 10 Tips to be Positive

Life has its ups and downs and we have to live with it. No one ever stays in happiness nor in sadness. Life will take its turns and we need to learn to live in that moment. Saying this, it is not always possible to get positive vibes. For some positivism comes naturally but for many of us, we have to learn how to get into this vibes.Here are The Top 10 Tips to be Positive in our daily life. If your internal is negative-based, you will see the world outside with this negativity. And this is not good for you,your loved ones and every one around you. Therefore, we need to dig into our inner self to bring out the…

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Digital Detox

What is a Digital Detox? Digital Detox, in one sentence, is the detoxification of a person from the over use of electronic devices like computer, mobile phone. In today’s world, we can’t live without our mobiles and it is more or less used in every form of our lifestyle. Be it using for personal needs or for professional purpose, we are totally dependent of it. No doubt electronic devices, especially computers and mobile phones are irreplaceable from our day to day life.  But now we are so engrossed to use them that we reached the next level…that it, the level of addiction; that we can’t live without it.  Sometimes we over use them even when that was not necessary. Why we…

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Organizing Your Wardrobe

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In order to embrace new ideas, we sometimes need  to purge out some old ideas. The same applies for your wardrobe. In order to get in some new clothes, we need to rearrange our wardrobe and purges out some items we don’t use now. Very often, we tend to buy tops or t-shirts just for their looks, or maybe it is in trend or just because some of our famous celebs promoted it. Or simply that we get them at a discount. It is a general rule that we use 20%  of our clothes for 80% of the times (the 20/80 rule), so much so that our 80 % of clothes remain unused or we use it once a while. So…

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