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After a long time, I choose to write in this platform to share my thoughts with you. As a person aged, he get on maturing with times. The things that excited us once are now seem not so exciting any more. Not only our face shows signs of aging but our brain also gathers experience and knowledge of the world around us. We analyse a situation based on our experience that we gathered, sometimes with ease but sometimes after enduring much hardships.

Sometimes I wonder, (I don’t know how much you could relate with me) what is the purpose of my existence? Why am I here? What I am suppose to do? Are we suppose to just live the life that we are living and left the world when the times come, or are we supposse to do some specific task, that we have to find out ourselves. Are we suppose to help our fellow humans in their needs, those who requires our support. Or are we suppose to nurture and keep the place we call our home, in a more safer and more peaceful place for our future generations to live happily in their own times. And by futire generations I mean, all the living kinds not just humans.

Then there is a second thought that hit me one day. But before I share this with you, tell me one thing, what comes to your mind when you see a new born baby, taking a nap? Well I find the sight as pure, innocent , wrapped in divine aura. Then the child starts to grow, taking baby steps. He started to communicate with his environment. Gradually, he learns the tectics of how to survive in his environment, how to combat with other fellow beings in order to win what he desire. He started to change both physically and mentally. He started to grow up from his innocence mind.

Like the child I describe above, we all forgot our innocence in order to juggle with our lives. We stop reacting to things that once excited us. And these, my Friend, brings us to the path where we started our journey today. With experience we loss our innocence. You cann’t keep both in your arsenal. One will vanish when you pick up the other. And here comes, the question of our life’s purpose. You may differs with me here. But I think the biggest purpose of Life is to struggle to keep that innocence all through out our life. No matter how hard our lives hit us, we should never let the child in our die. Like an amber, no matter how faint the light ignites, it should always ignite within ourselves. And that my Friend, according to me is the real purpose of Life. And if that lights keep on igniting within us, all others that we are suppose to do, will come out naturally and normally.