Simple & Delicious>>Hot Chocolate

If Chocolate is something you search for, in case of your Snack attack, then this recipe is just for you. Easy to make but yummy to taste, let me give you all the details of this recipe. Ingredients:: 1.Soya Milk (or any milk of your choice):: 2 Cups; 2.Coco Power::1 1/2 tsp; 3.Dark Chocolate (50%):: 80 gm; 4.Sugar:: 2 tsp. Directions:: Heat 2 cups of Soya Milk in a saucepan. Let the milk comes to a boil. Then add the Coco Power and mix well with a spatula. After the Cocoa Powder gets properly mix with the milk add the small chunks of chocolate and stir continuously so that the chocolate melts properly and does not form any lumps. At last,…

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Green & Red Granola & Yogurt Bowls

For the Green Bowl, just cut a kiwi into small semi-circular chunks. Now in a bowl, add the homemade granola as much you desire. Add the yogurt to a side and decorate the kiwi to your liking. And enjoy a delicious and colorful Breakfast to kick start a wonderful day. Green Bowl:: Red Bowl:: For the Red Bowl, I just cut some strawberries and then followed the same drill as in the Green Bowl. In addition, I just add some mint leaves, fresh from my balcony garden to add more color to the Bowl. You might be wondering what's new in this blog. I just added some fruits and yogurt with the Granola. Yes! it's just it. But my intention here…

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