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What is more important- to find happiness or to have a contented life?

Today let us go through another important aspect of our life and find out what is more important in our life………to find happiness or to have a contented life?

But before that let us find out what is happiness means to us?

Happiness is a state of mind and not an object. We feel happy when we achieve what we desire. For example, a runner will feel happy and probably be on top of the world, if he wins a national level marathon. Or I feel happy to see my best friend after a long gap. But in life, it is not possible to be in a state of happiness all the time. There are ups and downs all the way. One moment you may feel happy, but in another moment a completely another emotion may engulf you. Its also unlikely, that anyone can be in a continual state of happiness.

Contentment or the state of content is about peaceful inner satisfaction. To be satisfied and more importantly, to appreciate what you have in your life, rather than wishing something different. It does not mean to simply settle for life, you do not enjoy. But the contentment comes when you enjoy the whole process of reaching your destination and not rush to make it happen.

As far as I am concern, I would rather prefer a contented life than a happy life. Because a contented life has an inner joy that comes with satisfaction at the end of the day. The good thing about contentment is that one can feel good from inside, simultaneously having outside struggle. Its because contentment celebrates the good in life while appreciating the struggle we undergo to succeed. Happiness may come and go, being content is a continuous process.

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  1. Cora

    Asking questions are in fact nice thing if
    you are not understanding anything entirely, except this article offers good
    understanding even.

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