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5 Ways to lead a Contented Life

Do you find joy in little things in Life? Do you have inner peace? If the answers are in affirmations, then my friends you are leading a contented life.

W H A T  I S  A  C O N T E N T E D  L I F E? 

Contentment or the state of content is about peaceful inner satisfaction. To be satisfied and more importantly to appreciate what you have in life, rather than wishing something different. At the same time, it does not advocate to settle for a Life you do not enjoy. Rather dream big and try to achieve it with full force. Contentment celebrates good in Life while appreciating the struggle we undergo to succeed.

But it is easy said than done. Let us evaluate 5 ways to lead a contented life……

A) T R Y  T O  N U R T U R E  P O S I T I V E  V I B E S: It is not always possible to be in positive vibes all the time. Our life could not afford it. Ups and downs are a part and parcel in life. But that does not mean, we should dive deep into the realm of negativity when everything is just not right. If our good time passes, so will our bad times too. Life will again find its happiness. So it’s very important to nurture those positive vibes within ourselves, no matter how hard or demanding the time is. It will pass soon!

B) U N D E R S T A N D  A N D  A P P R E C I A T E  Y O U R  V A L U E S: We all inculcate different values as we grow. Some are taught to us when we are children, some we gather from our own experiences. It is very important to understand the importance of these values in our life and appreciate their worthiness. But values are not valuable if we keep them within ourselves. Spread them among your surroundings and let others also get enriched by its richness. And be the first one to implement those values in your life and set an example.

C) S T O P  C O M P L A I N I N G  S T A R T  L I V I N G: No one in life gets what he desires all at once. Sometimes we wishes something, but end up getting something else. That is Life! Sometimes we find people around us, who keep on complaining all the time. Be it fate, their ill-luck, or as small as the bad weather outside. It is out of habit they do so. And while doing that they ignore the good things that are happening in their lives. It is high time to say…..Stop complaining, start living!

D) M I N D F U L N E S S   I S  T H E  K E Y: In our daily life, especially in city life, we hardly find time to look around us. Take out time to roam around in your city. To listen to the sweet music of birds, to feel the breeze passing through your apartment’s balcony. Be mindful and enjoy what’s happening around you. Try to find joy in little things. Remember the joy we all used to get for a piece of chocolate cake. Yes, that’s the joy I am talking about.

E)  L I F E  I S  A  C O N T I N U O US  S T R U G G L E  B U T  E N J O Y  T H E  J O U R N E Y: To be contented with your life does not mean to settle down with life that you do not enjoy. We all have different dreams and has the right to achieve those dreams. Rather than settling down with life, we do not enjoy, we should all dream big and try to achieve it with full force. But the contentment comes, when you enjoy the journey and not rush to make it happen.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. mustafa

    amazing article. it is the need of the hour

    1. hilollipop

      Hi mustafa,
      Thank you for liking the blog post…hope you keep on visiting.

  2. Shilpy

    A good read ☺?

    1. hilollipop

      Hi Shilpy,
      Thank you for liking my blog.

  3. hilollipop

    Hi Yvonne,
    Thank you for liking my content….plz keep on visiting.

  4. Harold

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