Time Management

Nowadays we are all very busy and we keep the words repeating very often “I don’t have time to do this or that.” But then on second thought, if somebody as busy as me, can get time to do something, why am I not having that time? We all have 24 hours a day. It is because that person has a better and effective way of managing his time than us. So we need to learn how to make use of our time effectively and efficiently to be more productive. Yes, that’s my dear is the definition of Time Management. And today we are going to dive deep into this part. We all lead our lives differently. And we all have…

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Quinoa Salad

Before dive into the actual recipe of making the Quinoa Salad, let me give some quick info about Quinoa. We Indians are quite new to this food item and haven’t started using it very often in our recipes. Quinoa pronounced as ‘kveen.vaa’ has originated from South American before coming to our kitchen as a healthy stable diet. Quinoa is gluten-free, high in protein, and one of the few plant foods that contain a sufficient amount of all the nine essentials fatty acids, besides having a good amount of antioxidants in them. So now we know why it is so popular in the ‘ Vegan’s Diet’. After this quick intro, let’s go to the actual recipe for preparing a Quinoa salad. Measurements::…

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5 Ways to lead a Contented Life

Do you find joy in little things in Life? Do you have inner peace? If the answers are in affirmations, then my friends you are leading a contented life. W H A T  I S  A  C O N T E N T E D  L I F E?  Contentment or the state of content is about peaceful inner satisfaction. To be satisfied and more importantly to appreciate what you have in life, rather than wishing something different. At the same time, it does not advocate to settle for a Life you do not enjoy. Rather dream big and try to achieve it with full force. Contentment celebrates good in Life while appreciating the struggle we undergo to succeed. But it…

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What is more important- to find happiness or to have a contented life?

Today let us go through another important aspect of our life and find out what is more important in our life.........to find happiness or to have a contented life? But before that let us find out what is happiness means to us? Happiness is a state of mind and not an object. We feel happy when we achieve what we desire. For example, a runner will feel happy and probably be on top of the world, if he wins a national level marathon. Or I feel happy to see my best friend after a long gap. But in life, it is not possible to be in a state of happiness all the time. There are ups and downs all the way.…

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