10 Questions to ask yourself before Goal Planning

We all have different priorities in different levels of our lives, for which we have to plan before hand to achieve it. These are basically, known as goal planning. These goals changes as we get older. Our goals also changes to new goals as we achieve our previous goal. Say for example, I planned my study time at the time of my graduation in order to pass the examination. After I achieve the goal, my priority shifted to getting a job and I plan accordingly to achieve the next big target. Before getting down to goal planning, we need to ask a few questions within ourselves to plan more effectively and efficiently. 1. First of all, what is my life's goals?…

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Best Quotes on Slow Living

Slow Living is a life style changes emphasizing a slower approach to aspects of everyday Life. I, myself, is very new to this concept. After reading some of the articles  about Slow Living, I got interested to learn more about the concept of Slow Living. What I gather till now, is from articles and blogs that are easily available in the internet. As I started diving deep into the realm of Slow Living, I got hold of some of the beautiful quotes about Slow Living. These quotes are very relevant  in our everyday life. And it is not hard to relate easily with this quotes. Although they are flooded in the internet, I shared some of the quotes on Slow Living,…

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Read more about the article Slow Living in City Life #Food
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Slow Living in City Life #Food

If you have read my last blog, you know our present topic of discussion. And if you are new here, first of all welcome to my blog. In my last blog, I was writing about how we could incorporate Slow Living in the City Life. To continue the topic further, let us explore another important aspect of our daily lifestyle- Food. Now we all know, fast pace in the City Life often left us with little time to cook food or indulge in good quality food. We are more allured with fast food (food that is ready made, processed and easily available.) Food industries are flooded with such food. In every corner of our city, we see ready to make and…

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How to create a peaceful Sanctuary at your City?

By now you are reading this blog in my website, you to some extent has an idea on Slow Living. And if you are new here, please refer to my previous blog posts on the concept of Slow Living before dive into today’s topic. Today, let us go a little further in nurturing Slow Living concept and how to incorporate it into our Life Style. To say frankly, ready a concept is far more different than trying to incorporate its idea into Our daily life.It is all the more difficult if we are trying to adopt this concept into our busy city life. Cities all over the world moved at a fast pace. My city stays awake for 24×7 no stop.…

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Basic 5 Steps Skin Care Routine

In my teenage, if you would ask me, "Soma what you do for your skincare?" My answer would have been "Nothing!". And literally, I did nothing. I had such sensitive skin, that doing nothing is best than prepping my skin with some skin care products. But now my idea about skin care has changed a lot. With age, my skin began to lose its natural glow, making me more concern about it. And I think it is high time that I too follow a basis skin care routine. When it comes to basic Skin Care Routine, people generally go for 5 simple Steps. And I am going to discuss them with you today. Cleansing- The first and foremost is cleansing. Staying…

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Organizing Make Up/Skin Care

Admit it Ladies! There are times we randomly buy cosmetics, later to find out that it is not suited for our skin, then kept in shelf for days untouched, waiting to throw away after its expiry. Well, at least, I, myself is guilty of doing that. So the most important thing to do foremost, while organizing our make up/skin care is to purge out what is not used now. Purge out- While organizing my make up/skin care arsenal, I do a quick scan of each of my beauty products. First, I separate those that I don't use for at least 6 months. If I don't use it for the last 6 months, I won't use it any more. Then I look…

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