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What is Slow Living?

Now a day’s a lot of emphasis has been made about Slow Living and its concept. People are publishing blogs, videos and articles regarding Slow Living. I read about the concept and found it quite interesting. After dive into the realm of Slow Living blogs, articles, videos etc, I began to understand the very essence of this concept.

What is Slow Living?

“Slow Living is a lifestyle emphasizing slower approaches to aspect of everyday life.”  Wikipedia.

” Slow Living is a lifestyle choice.”Wikipedia.

“People everyday are constantly living at a fast pace which is making them feel that their lives are chaotic- but with Slow Living they end up taking a step back and start enjoying life being conscious of sensory profusion” Wikipedia on Slow Living.

What the Slow Living Lifestyle really means?

1.Slow Living rejects the popular beliefs that faster is always better. Sometimes we move fast for fun and sometimes it is a necessity. And the believer of Slow Living do not negate such thing. But they propagate the theory that Faster is not always better.

Slow Living is about living in a proper pace. Often we associate Faster with efficiency. But many times, urge for efficiency and speed rob our lives purpose and joy. By choosing to live in a slower pace, it allows us to make decisions consciously instead of out of habits.

2. Slow Living Values quality over quantity. We often tend to compromise quality over quantity, in order to move fast. Often we do multitasking, in order to finish more in less time. This ends in poor quality of work, as our mind is not in focused at a particular task.

Slow Living concept is completely opposite to this belief. It advocates concepts like Slow fashion that emphasis owing less pieces that are made to last longer.

3.Slow Living teaches us to live in the Present. No matter how sad or how painful our Past is, holding to it, has never been a solution. Slow Living teaches us the hard truth to keep our Past far behind and concentrate on our Present. Slow Living is about putting full focus, time and energy to the very thing we are doing now.

4.Slow Living embraces Imperfection. No one in this world could claim to be the most perfect. And perfection is also relative. What is absolutely perfect to me, may be totally imperfect in your eyes and vice verse. Here, Slow Living teaches us to embrace Life by all its imperfection. I remembered a movie I watched last year. It was the story of a baby elephant “Jumbo”, who was born with long ears. It is quite peculiar for an elephant having such long ears. The people in the circus treats him as ugly and even laugh at him. But then it was found that the baby elephant could fly due to those long ears. The ears give him the balance in flying. And in one day he became so famous that people came rushing to see him in the circus.  What seems imperfect to you, may be the actual reason for your uniqueness. It is you who has to find that out. Slow Living only teaches us to embrace this imperfections.

And to end, here’s a quote by Lao Tzu “Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”

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