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Understanding the bare minimum

We live in a world where we get what we want in abundance (which could be bought, of course). I still remember the joy & thrill of getting a small chocolate once in a while, but today’s children get monthly packets of toffees, so to enjoy all along.The theory of abundance engulfed our whole generation, that we fail to understand what scarcity means in reality.

Now the whole World has gone down with Corona Virus crisis. The World, literally is locked down in homes, where we could watch and read through media, the havoc the virus is spreading all around. After hitting thousands and thousands of Lives in China, Italy, UK, Iran, the disease has now come in front of our doors.

India is also badly effected now, compelling Government to shut down all functionalities with in cities, to stop the ill effects of the Virus. Only the essential services like medical, administration, banks and local grocery shops are open now. No doubt people are in deep dilemma about the number of days we have to stay homes. In anticipation of worse condition, people are buying commodities for 2-3 months. Shops are getting exhausted as they are not getting adequate supplies. Its time that we need to check our real needs and try to understand our bare minimum requirements.

Jot down the List of items you require for a week and see if you could cancel some of them ( Like a pack of Chips could be deleted for some latter times). Only the prioritized items like oil, rice, lentils etc should be enlisted first. There may be queues in some shops in order to avoid crowd gathering, so listing helps to sought and grab the items at a quicker place.

Medicines for elders and children is a top priority. Again listing them in order of priority could be a better options and what app or sms it to your local medicine shop. This is help them prepare your list beforehand and you could get it easily.

It is not the time of merry making as the humanity is passing though a rough phase. Prepare food that is required and food spoiling should be avoided at any cost. Remember there are people who even don’t have that luxury of getting a two times meal.

Avoid cash and use ATM Cards and net-transferring of funds. Cash passes through hands and avoiding cash as much as possible is a good option.

And at last please stop buying foods items, hand sanitizer, hand wash and masks so that it could last you a year. Remember your over buying may lead to supply crisis and if people around you don’t have access to this essentials, you are also not safe.

Stay home and be Safe………