Life has its ups and downs and we have to live with it. No one ever stays in happiness nor in sadness. Life will take its turns and we need to learn to live in that moment. Saying this, it is not always possible to get positive vibes. For some positivism comes naturally but for many of us, we have to learn how to get into this vibes.Here are The Top 10 Tips to be Positive in our daily life.
If your internal is negative-based, you will see the world outside with this negativity. And this is not good for you,your loved ones and every one around you. Therefore, we need to dig into our inner self to bring out the positive vibes within us.
Although it is not at all necessary for us to be cheerful 24/7, but turning this lovely vibes when necessary is not a bad idea.Read on to know more about how we can inculcate the positive vibes with in our selves.

1.Don’t hold on to your past– You often look into your past and think ‘what if that would happen and not this?’ But now it is fruitless to think of. And its high time that you give up thinking about about past and live with what you have in your present (Unless, of course, you have a time machines to in the Past).
2.Try to avoid negative minded people–Have you ever came across people who always complain and criticisms other? They create an atmosphere of negativism and try to pull you into it. Sometimes they don’t even know themselves. Try to avoid this type of people as they are enough to ruin your mind.
3.Smile & Laugh–Greet a person with a smile and laugh your heart out at little things. You will notice how content you will be with yourself. A smiling welcome not only give you a feel good factor but also makes other happy and cheerful.
4.Stop speaking of your problems and illness- No people in this world lives without any problems or have no illness. So stop speaking your problems and illness more often. It wouldn’t help you any ways than to make you remember, the hardships that you are passing by. This will make you more sad and miserable.
5.Meditate daily- Try to seat quietly for sometime to meditate. Just close your eyes and feel your breath. Then try to listen to various sounds coming around you. The best time to meditate is in the peace of the mornings. A calm mind will no doubt give you a lot of positive vibes.
6.Love & accept yourself- You could be fat or too thin or your nose is not right or you hate your eye color. But this is what you are. So accept yourself the way you are. Gradually you will love yourself. And no love is better than a self-love.
7.Be grateful- We already have so many things that many don’t even think of. You may have a loving and supportive family which is a distant dreams for some one else. So be grateful for them. Thank God or anyone you have faith in for the wonderful gifts, he has bestow on you.
8.Don’t worry- Stop thinking too much about your future.And worrying! Enjoy the life the way it is and you will always find a positive meaning in it.
9.Be in the present-Your present is what you have. You can’t go back to your past nor look forward to your future. So live in your present. Enjoy each and every moment of your life, like it is the last day of this world.
10.Write down a few affirmations on each morning- Make a journal and write down few sentences full of positive. This will make you feel good and satisfying.