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The Top 10 Tips on Slow Living

What is Slow Living?

Slow Living, according to Wikipedia, is “a Lifestyle emphasizing slower approaches to aspects of everyday life”. In today’s fast-moving world, this approach is an attempt to turnaround and try to live slower in order to enjoy Life. In other words, it is an attempt to break the chain of the rat race and enjoy life as a human being.

Slow Living derives inspiration from the Slow Food Movement that rocks parts of Europe in 1986 and has since spread worldwide. It is an alternative to fast food (processed food). It strives to preserve traditional and regional food habits and encourage farming, planting seeds, and livestock upbringing.

Why we need this philosophy of Slow Living?

More than 70% of the working population would answer that they are very busy. They do not find time to do that or this…bla bla bla. We are always on our toes balancing our personal and professional life. Then comes the theory of work-life balance which is quite popular nowadays even with corporate. But some of us are even proud to tell you that we are busy. It is like a badge of honor. No-doubt, Life is pretty hectic and rushed for most people.

This busy life schedule brought with it stress, anxiety, hypertension to meet the targets, that all of us are chasing. Young generations are suffering from obesity, high blood sugar, high BP, and the list is endless. So where are we actually running into? To our Doom?

The philosophy of Slow Living is a step towards lifestyle changes to a healthy and fulfilling life. A life which we should all aim for as long as we live in this world.

How we slow down?

Here are 10 tips for you to embrace slow living in the beginning ::

  1. Live the Present – Just try to embrace the Present situation as it is. Don’t feel guilty for the Past (remember it can’t be mended now). And don’t think so much about the future, because the future never comes. Live the Present at the fullest and your Future would take care of itself.
  2. Declutter – Declutter not only your wardrobe but also your phone and computers. Clean all the junk that you have gathered over the years. De-cluttering will also help you to clean the junk even from your inside.
  3. Switch off your phone – Make a point every day to switch off your phone for sometimes and enjoy surroundings. Play with your pet or chat with your family. Work together and this will make a lasting relationship.
  4. Listen to silence – Wake up early and go out in your balcony or a nearby park, even rooftop would do. And listen to the silence. You will also notice the sound of Nature as it wakes up for a new day. As the sun rises the whole Earth lightens up with warmth & energy. Fill the energy inside you.
  5. Cook Food – Rather than buying ready to make food, go to the market, and buy fresh fruits and vegetables. At least make it a point, to cook one food per day and eat it together with friends and family. Learn new recipes. Internets are flooded with them.
  6. Write Journals – Bring out your journal copy and start writing it. You will get thousands of new ideas over the Internet. As a beginner stick to the very basic. Add new ideas as you go on with it.
  7. Find a new Hobby – We all have hobbies that we loved doing in our childhood. Restart it. Your hobby need not be complicated. It can be very simple – like reading a book.
  8. Stop Multitasking – Do one thing at a time. It helps to focus on the task at a time and get it done correctly. Many times, we eat, watch a TV show, and receives phone calls all at once. But it does not make us productive. Slowing down and doing one thing at a time helps us to be more focused and the more focused we are the more productive we will be.
  9. Listen to Soft Music – Music can heal your inside. After a stressful day, put off the light and listen to Soft Music. It will rejuvenate and bring back energy within you.
  10. Spent weekends indoors – Rather than roaming in food courts and shopping malls, sometimes it is great to spend some lazy hours at the comfort of your sofa or take a short nap in the afternoon.

I interpret the concept of Slow Living as spending some quality time with oneself and his or her family. You can interpret it in your own ways. Doors are always open to introducing new formulas as we inculcate it in our lifestyle.

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Susan Ogidan

    Slow living is nice. I love your tips.

    1. hilollipop

      Thank you for liking my blog…do visit in the future.

  2. hilollipop

    Thank you for liking my blog…do visit in the future.

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